Monday, August 13, 2007

Watermead Park - piccies

Here are the pictures I promised from yesterday's excursion:

King Lear's Lake:

Traditional view of Jack Russell terrier when out and about:
PICT0375 (Small)

Swimming Dog strikes again:
PICT0372 (Small)

In my top at the pub afterwards (the Hope and Anchor, in case you're wondering). She was shivering in the cool breeze while I enjoyed my cold beer (which is just out of shot! and is a certain Northern bottled brand particularly enjoyed by bikers - or in this case - ex-biker.) so I wrapped her up. She dripped onto my lap so it looked a bit like I'd wet myself when i stood up...
PICT0384 (Small)


Ferndoggle said...

Great pictures little Dude. I dig tennis balls, but not swimming.

(stop by & visit me & my pack!!)

Kerrio said...

That park looks like a fabulous place to walk dogs.

The Airechicks said...


Girl you got some great shots there...

Thank you for sharing

Welcome to D.W.B. - we'll be back to see all your adventures.