Monday, August 20, 2007

That was the weekend that was

Well, Mollie and I really packed some excitement into the weekend this time. NOT. Saturday she was still a bit pustulant (sorry, but I really like that word) and scabby so we stuck to the garden and played ball, and then we snoozed, and wrestled a bit, and played again. Quite a boring day but for some reason I was really tired, and T was away at the Goddess Camp (more about that here) most of the day so I wasn't really motivated to do much.

Yesterday was slightly more exciting. The day started out sunny, so Mollie and I were wildly optimistic: she grabbed her ball (the last one out of the packet!) and I put some washing on. Predictably, by the time the washing had finished, it was raining! Eventually, at 5 o'clock, I managed to get Mollie out for a walk. We went up round the Forest Rock woods (you can read about them and our other local woods here - you'll need Internet Explorer). On the way back, as we approached the kissing gate, I called to Mollie to sit so I could hook her lead onto her collar - which she did, reluctantly. I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but Mollie really can't understand why she has to be dragged a certain way through the gate when she can perfectly well get under the bottom bar. Well, yesterday it was worse than usual. As I tried to get her back into the gate so she could come through it with me, she reversed and slipped her collar, and ran straight across the Leicester Road. At this point of the road, as you leave Whitwick, you are approaching a 60mph limit, and most drivers at this point are accelerating. Drivers coming the other way have just come round a bend and are usually braking, and luckily, as I ran after Mollie and she stopped and cowered in the middle of the road, it was this kind of driver that was heading towards us. They braked in time and I managed to grab Mollie by the scruff and yank her onto the pavement. I carried her home. On the way she tried to lick my face a few times. I had been so scared that she would get squashed! I think she's going to have to have her harness on all the time when she's out for a short walk from home like that, now that she knows how to slip her collar.
I did eventually forgive her. She spent ages when we got home trying to suck up to me, climbing on my lap and leaning on me, and after a while I was able to relax. She really scared me though!


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you managed to grab her in time! These dogs don't half give us a fright sometimes.....

Kerrio said...

They age us, they really do. Nasty scare. One day I will post about Hobo and the river incident.