Looks like we're going to get one of these:
It's an Ezydog harness and comes with a detachable seat belt clip which means we can leave the clip in the car and the harness on the dog.
This will be Mollie's 3rd harness - first we tried the Ancol one, which is fantastic (brilliant) as a seatbelt harness, but as you can't detach the metal clip it's inadvisable to use it for walking too far - the clip bangs on the dog's spine. So that was passed on to someone else and we got an RAC harness - much much better for leaving on the dog, but not so great in the car as the belt clip can't swivel at all. Because of this, and because Mollie seems to be a bit of a Houdini, she can get out of it really quickly - so once the new one has arrived we'll give the RAC one to next door to use as it's great for walking.
I'll let you know how I get on with the EzyDog.
Edit: Just ordered it from D For Dog. Jenny kindly let me knew as soon as they were in the catalogue so I could bag one - they're very efficient so I hope to get it Saturday or failing that, Tuesday. You wouldn't think someone could get excited about a new dog harness, but I am :D
I'd be really interested to hear how you get on with this - I'd really like a harness for Tilly, but need a good one that's unlikely to rub her. The little lady has delicate skin.....
D for Dog has some soft ones on their website that might be worth a look? They look really comfy.
To think the design of harnesses should be so different where you are. It's strange! As if dogs didn't look the same...?!
I've seen something "like" that one here too, for the really small dogs (ie chihuauas or how the hell you spell that) but one that looks like a cross between a harness and a coat.
I use soft collars for when my dogs are off lead, or I take collars off entirely. I've not had a dog off lead wearing a harness, I use those for tracking mostly.
Has it arrived yet, or are you still waiting in anticipation?
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