Just wanted to note, with reference to a previous post, that I omitted to mention that we had a behaviourist in to help with Mollie - Bev (KizKiznobite). Bev helped us enormously by giving us an insight into possible reasons for Mollie's behavioural issues, and by getting Mollie interested in treats as a reward (we couldn't get her treat-motivated before). It took a good couple of hours for Bev to fully get Mollie's attention and focus, and at one point Bev looked down to see Charley cat sitting very attentively next to Mollie in case they were cat treats, but although it still takes some effort to get Mollie's attention sometimes she has never slipped all the way back to where she was.
Hopefully, a bit more training will get Mollie even further on the road to being a well-behaved little monster :D
It sounds like she's doing really well. I know how hard it can be to get a terriers attention at times....!
Thanks graham - she has moments!! But there are still a few big issues that we'll hopefully get sorted out eventually... like being petrified of anything that comes through the letterbox!!
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