Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bad habits

Well, as I suspected would happen, Mollie's learned from Sunday's experience to slip her collar at will. She slipped it on Monday when out with the neighbour, who's going to keep her away from busy roads for the time being (luckily you can get to the woods without leaving our estate).

Mollie currently wears a soft collar from Rogz - it doesn't chafe, and if she catches it on a branch or whatever when rummaging in the undergrowth, it will stretch so she can get free rather than be stuck, if that makes sense - in fact that's how come she can slip it. I don't want to get her a leather collar, as they're not ideal for a dog that swims (in fact the last one she had stained her fur pink when it got wet!). So I guess that means getting her a harness of some sort for when she's next door - which would also help our lovely neighbour to control her when she's on the lead as she's a little monster and pulls really badly.

Anyone got any recommendations? Are terriers that rummage OK with a harness on, would it be likely to catch? Ideally she'd need a harness that can be left on while she's off lead...


Flowerpot said...

I've been really lucky with my Moll - she only ever slipped her collar once, when she was a puppy. I would have thuoght a harness would be OK if you find one that fits her properly...

Anonymous said...

I used to use a Lupi harness for Prince, as he pulled like a train. When he was off his lead I did leave it on, but it did hang loose. Surprisingly, he never managed to get it stuck on anything when rummaging, but I was wary of letting him swim in it in case it got caught on anything under the water.

On another note, I walked Tilly in a Lupi harness one day after getting her, as she also drags me everywhere. Unfortunately I didn't consider that Prince had worn it for years, and had a thick wiry coat, because it rubbed poor little Tilly raw under her front legs. She has a much finer coat. Just something to be aware of if you do give it a try....

Kerrio said...

Get one of those "half check" or Martingale collars.... Lupine do some cool ones...