Monday, October 01, 2007

We made someone smile!!

Graham has very kindly given me an award! How nice is that? It's great, as the whole point of this blog was to pass on the smile that Mollie puts on my face, and Graham has arguably been in need of a smile more than some this year. I shall make sure to tell Mollie dog about her award, and I'm sure she'll wag lots and demand something a little more substantial, such as a nice rawhide chew or a tennis ball.

Apparently I have to pass this award on. With apologies to my English readers, my first candidate is Helena, who coined the word 'terrierists' and whose Airedales often have me in stitches. I'm sticking with dog blogs, so the other two would have to be Wally's blog and General Jackson's blog. When I first landed in the blogosphere I wanted to see how other people had done the whole 'writing from the dog's perspective thing' (before I finally decided not to) and I spent a couple of days reading them from the beginning. The LFBP's antics frequently had me in tears of laughter, and Wally's blog is just priceless.


wally said...

Thanks so much Mollie and Em! There is no greater compliment than making someone smile (and cry from laughter!)


Kerrio said...

Jackson's Dad and personal blogographer is sitting with us right now, I told him and he's dead chuffed :-)

Unknown said...

I have to agree, Wally's blog IS fun! I had a look today and found quite a few Airedale people through there. All with the same nervous smile we all share, after X number of years with Airedales. In my case, my whole life...

Thanks for the nomination! Lots of hugs both to you and sweet little Molly. /Helena

Anonymous said...

It's more than deserved - and Mollie never fails to put a smile on my face!