Friday, October 05, 2007

Red card

Mollie dog is the family referee.

If the cats fight, she runs in and uffs at them, or sometimes even barks, usually doing the terrier bounce plus waggy tail thing.

If we have an argument, Mollie jumps up and barks at us, or sits and howls until we relent; we usually start laughing: she looks so funny and cute when she howls.

If it looks, or sounds, like we MIGHT be having an argument, but she's not 100% sure, she says 'uffuffuff?' (a kind of inhaled, slightly questioning greeting) and does the wet nose thing.

There are times when a wet nose, an inquisitive stare and 'uffuffuff?' can be quite off-putting; times when we're categorically NOT arguing, but it could potentially be misconstrued as such from the perspective of an overly maternal member of the canine diplomatic corps.

At such times, we find the only option is to laugh. And possibly, briefly, wish that the dog slept in the kitchen.


Kerrio said...

Our first dog Brandy was known as the "though police", we were not allowed to cuddle in his presence....

If there are any altercations in the current gang the rest scatter to the four winds (better that than piling in!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Em & Mollie Dog, We are working on those questions. We'll try not to make them too difficult. tee hee hee

Sophie Brador

Unknown said...

Big warning here :-) . If you don't want her interfering (she will try and it will be about her trying to control your behavior) she needs to be told that! Not in an unkind or cruel way, but still. Dogs who get in the middle or in the way are dogs who have claimed the right as pack leader.

Flowerpot said...

Yes I would second helena's commments - my Mollie needs a firm talking to when she tries to intervene too much!

Sophie Brador said...

Mollie!!!!! Here are your questions. I got a little carried away. There are six. I wanted to ask ten, but my ma ape said enough already!

1. Do you get extra attention because of the lovely spot on your eye? How do you deal with it?

2. How do you survive life with cats, or rather, how does your pretty face survive? Mine ends up all scratched up whenever I meet a cat. While we are talking cats, do you get free and clear access to the kitty litter?

3. Are you for or against the monarchy? If that’s too controversial a question to answer and still be able to visit the dog park, then try this one: Are you for or against Marks & Spencer? If that’s still too controversial, are you for or against Madonna in the UK?

4. If you were going to spend a weekend in London, what would you do?

5. If you could run around off-leash anywhere in the world, where would it be?

6. As a nudist, I feel compelled to ask one extra question. Are you for or against outfits for dogs?

Em said...

Helena and FP - yeah, we know - we make sure to remind Mollie that we lead the pack, not her. It's gradually getting through!!

Sophie - Thanks for the questions, let's have a look...