Since she was a bit itchy anyway, I gave her a bath with her lovely soothing tea tree shampoo, and after a quick rub with a towel we went out into the garden to dry off and play. Obviously I couldn't resist taking some photos of the now blindingly white dog!!
PLEASE put that camera away and throw the ball, mum!!
Tight corner - cropped from a bigger image, hence blurred; she's at the bottom of our garden!
Practising her cat smiles
Pointing at the ball (carefully placed by my foot)
And finally... I couldn't resist blowing up the one of her smiling, hopefully it'll make you smile too!
My Mollie takes ages to dry because of he rlong hair!
Emma, Mollie is beautiful Jack Russell. My favorite breed!
It sure did make us smile, great photos!!
Yes, the photos did make me smile. She really is a cute little girl :-) The weather was like that here too, for a week or so, and now it's back to your normal Swedish summer. Ouch. Though I'm fair skinned too, I find I feel better in the shade with a tall glass of icy cold something :-).
I wish you both (all five) a wonderful Midsommarafton. HUGS!
Hi, I am really enjoying your blog site, and have linked you. also I notice we are both on Kylies ring, keep up the good work.
Thanks for the add - I'll add a reciprocal link :) Guess I ought to start posting again too...
just to let you know has changed to so I will have to update all my links.
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