Monday, December 22, 2008

New food

A couple of weeks ago, I changed Mollie's food. The stuff she was on before is wholesome enough, but didn't agree with her a huge amount. And she was never very enthusiastic about it. But as you can see from the piccy above, she absolutely loves her new food and actually demands to be fed now.

She will still sometimes share with the cats as well, although she has taken to protecting her food occasionally - which normally results in it being removed sharpish by me, and only given back if she does some tricks (just giving paw etc). Charley cat (above) is Mollie's best friend and also "The Boss" so will generally box Mollie's ears if she uses bad language. I had honestly never seen it done before, but Charley sits up and literally throws punches at the sides of Mollie's head... Charley is one heck of a cat -I think she thinks she's OUR boss too!

PS The food that the wee beasties are now eating is a natural wet food - I don't want to advertise them particularly, but if you're interested in feeding any of your pets a more natural diet, join the campaign for better pet foods at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a Molly. She is a Miniature Pincher (min-pin) but what is funny is that Molly’s mate-for-life is a Jack Russel Terrier. His name is ChuCho.

Our Molly is the boss of the entire house. She makes pack members out of all of us simply by batting her big brown eyes. ChuCho is especially ‘ga-ga’ over the best love he has ever had.

Both of them, along with my hubby, makes a family out of our little house.